Brain-Drain has to be stopped

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Dear friends, what we mean by brain-drain in general? It's an immigration of intellectual people from one country to another country for their further studies or for pursuing research in which they are most interested in. On account of immigration i.e loss of technical personnels one country will lag behind on wide variety of fields. They are only the source for the country development in diverse fields.

Now a days at every place, many people are ailing with many diseases as many new diseases have come into picture. To cure all these, one should develop a medicine. for this technical people are needed to discover a cure for a particular disease. Not only for this field but also in political field, the well educated personnel are required to do great service for the people.

So what i am going to say is the government itself has to pose certain laws to be followed and found many more research institutions.Then technical students will find place at particular institution and start the pursuit of his or her research over an issue that is being the trouble for people.


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