Hi Friends
This is Mudassar from IIIT, Allahabad.. Recently WIPRO Technologies visited our college for campus recruitment. I would Like to share my experience with you.. In all 135 students appeared for the written test.
The Written Test paper was like this:
1) Verbal Section: In this 2 questions on Synonym and Antonym each were asked, 2 on sentence completion, 2 jumbling words, 2 active-passive, 2 punctuation and 2 on right phrase substitution and 2 on idioms. There was 1 passage with 5 questions also. The verbal section was easiest ever.. You just need to have basic of the English and grammar you have done in your schooling... If you have time go through R S aggarwal Verbal and Non verbal Reasoning.
2) Quantitative Aptitude: In this questions on Ratio and Proportion, Ages, Distance, Probability, Puzzles and Reasoning, Seating Arrangements and Area and Volume, etc were asked.. R S Aggarwal is far more sufficient for this...
3) Technical questions: Simple questions from C, DS, OS, Networking were asked...
There is sectional cut-off so you need to clear it all. Out of 135, 122 cleared the written test.... Whew a big number ! Then came the technical interviews... Mine was the second number in second list...
Technical Interview:
Me: Can I come in sir..
Int: Yes.. Plzz sit down..
ME: Thank u .. Sir
Int: Can I get your resume...
Me: Yes sir...
Int: (Scanning my resume) So your area of interest are DBMS and DS..
Me:Yes sir..
Int: Well, Mudassar there are many colleges in Allahabad and there are many students can u prepare a database schema for it...
Me: Yes sir...(Prepared the database..)
Int: Well your name is too complicated.. Can you run a query on this database to find ur information..
ME: Yes sir..(Done)
Int: Well tell me something on your projects....
Me: Sir I have done three major projects which one do u want me to explain..
Int: Possibly all....
Me: Sure sir can I have a paper... Blab la bla.....
Int: this means you are well versed in JAVA (I had one my all projects in java.. Bull's Eye that was where I succeeded)....
Me: Yes sir..
Int: Congrats You can move on... (He gave me the HR form...)
After feeling the HR form they sendt me in.. You can expect a cool guy he will be very friendly and just some common questions...
HR Interview:
HR: Come in.Take ur sit.
Me: Thank u sir.
HR: Well why M Tech.
Me: Bla bla
HR: Tell me about ur thesis..
ME: Blab la
HR: Reading is ur hobby what r the recent books u read...
Me: Bla bla..
HR: Well why wipro..
Me: Blab la..
HR: Ready for bond..
ME: yes..
Hr: thank u u may leave...
After about 2 hours result were out. Out of 122 who cleared the written, 122 opted for tech and 85 hr. Final selection 25 (Remember more then 50% were rejected in HR so be careful and confident in what u say..)
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